Before Admission
Please complete the 'Forms to fill out' that you have been sent.
We need to receive all three sets of forms at least 1 week prior to your planned admission. This can be done via email, post or can be dropped off at the hospital reception. On receipt your forms will be reviewed by a member of the team.
We will contact you:
If we need more information about your health, additional documents (such as power of attorney documents for personal care and welfare).
To arrange an appointment to prepare you for your admission.

Confirm with your surgeon:
That you understand the details of your procedure (so you can provide your informed consent).
If you need any further blood tests or blood clot treatment prior to admission.
Which of your regular medications (such as blood thinning medications), remedies or supplements you should stop taking, or continue taking.
What time to arrive for your admission, and where to report.
The expected duration of your procedure and stay.
If and when you need to stop eating and/or drinking.
What arrangements you need to make for your return home (e.g. raised toilet seat, crutches etc).
Please make arrangements for someone to:
Drive you home (to ensure the safety of others and yourself, NZ Law prohibits driving following anaesthesia or after taking other medications known to impair a persons ability to drive).
Be with you for at least the first 24 hours following your surgery (if you are not staying in the hospital overnight).
Provide assistance for you at home during your recovery.
Things we need you to bring to hospital with you:
Any documentation (including test results, x-rays, scans, letters, note, or medication cards) relevant to your procedure.
Any medicines, remedies and supplements in their original containers (we don't accept blister packs) and a printout from your GP or pharmacy that includes dosage and how often you take them.
Your 'prior approval' letter from your insurer or ACC, addressed to Franklin Hospital.
Your admission pack (including this information sheet).
Staying overnight or longer
Comfortable sleepwear, dressing gown, shoes (slip-ons are not safe) and personal toiletries.
Any personal aids such as glasses, hearing aids and dentures.
Staying for the day only
Reading material or other activity.
Comfortable clothing (sleep wear is not required).
DO NOT bring to the hospital
Your car, as it is highly unlikely you will be able to drive it home after your procedure.
Items of value.
A checklist for immediately before admission:
I have followed the instructions of my surgeon and anaesthetist regarding eating (including gum and sweets), drinking and taking medicines, remedies or supplements.
I will notify the hospital as soon as possible if something happens that might delay my arrival at hospital.
I have showered and washed my hair, removed any old nail polish, make-up or jewellery, and put on a clean set of clothes.
I am well (no colds, coughs, diarrhoea, vomiting). I do not have any cuts, scrapes or wounds and I have no current infections.
Hospital payment arrangements
If your treatment is covered by insurance
Please bring confirmation of your prior approval to the hospital. It is important that you understand what your insurer will pay for. Some policies will require co-payment or an excess. Please note we would not usually submit your insurance claims for you.
If your treatment is through an insurance affiliated provider scheme
You should receive information about any potential co-payments required before you come into the hospital. if you are unsure about what you might have to pay, please contact your insurance provider directly.
If your treatment is covered by ACC
The hospital will seek approval for your procedure on your behalf. If your procedure is only partially funded by ACC, you may be required to pay a deposit on admission.
If you are paying for all of the costs directly
You may need to pay the estimated cost of your hospital account on or before admission. We accept pre-cleared credit cards on the day of admission. Alternatively, you may pay by direct credit to our nominated bank account 5 days prior to admission. The balance of your hospital account must be settled on discharge.
Payment questions?
Please contact our accounts team if you have any questions relating to payment arrangements, including if you would like a price indication.
Please note each medical practitioner (including your surgeon, your anaesthetist, your GP, and others such as physiotherapists) are independent of Franklin Hospital and will have a seperate account for you or your insurer. You may wish to seek price indications from each practitioner.
Our staff
Whilst you are in hospital you and your family/whānau will need to interact with many members of staff in similar uniforms. It is easy to lose track of who is who and what their roles are, during this stressful time.
Our expectation is our staff will introduce themselves to you and explain what they will be helping you with, when you meet them.
We also understand that some of the words we use may be new to you, please feel confident to ask staff to clarify what they mean.