Our Specialists
David Pendergrast

David is an ophthalmologist at Auckland Eye, with sub-specialty expertise in cataract surgery, refractive and laser surgery, corneal transplantation, anterior segment surgery, conjunctival surgery and external eye diseases, including degenerative, infective and inflammatory conditions.
David trained in Medicine at Auckland University School of Medicine and in Ophthalmology in Auckland and Bristol, UK. He undertook higher training as the Smith and Nephew Commonwealth Fellow in Corneal and Anterior Segment Surgery at Bristol Eye Hospital and attended clinics at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, before returning to the Tutor Specialist post at Auckland Hospital Eye Department in 1991.
David was a founder member of Auckland Eye. He is a part-time ophthalmologist at Greenlane Clinical Centre and a Clinical Senior Lecturer in the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Auckland. He lectures and gives clinical teaching and is a supervisor for ophthalmic registrars in training.
Areas of Specialisation:
Cornel Surgeon
Cataract Surgeon
Refractive Surgeon